Digital Core

About the team
Our Digital Core team consists of highly experienced functional SAP consultants from all core areas of S/4, setting us apart as a local partner known for deep understanding of industry-specific requirements. Our strongest area of expertise is supply chain management and many of our teammates have established a long-term relationships with our customers.
Hybrid working has been familiar for our team since day one. Some of us work from home, from customer premises and some of us gather up at the office for a 9 o’clock coffee break – what ever works for you.
From our team members

“Neomore has been a great place for a more junior Consultant to start a career: support is always on hand, I've been trusted with more and more responsibility as I've gained more competence and my learning journey has been supported with a development plan. I feel like here people are cared about and made sure they're satisfied.”
Nea Koski Junior Consultant

“One of our strengths is that we have teammates from the business side as well, making us experts in user-experience for when the functionalities are actually being used. Originally, I wanted to join the team to gain versatile experience and apply my know-how to different kinds of solutions and industries. The organization is low which means that knowing the people makes it easier to recognize potential and gain responsibility.”
Ville Pajunen Senior Consultant