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Get to know our competence: UX & Application Innovation Team

Author: Lila Leander

Get to know our competence: UX & Application Innovation Team

We support the customer in a constant flood of changes

Since Neomore took its first steps in 2006, the expertise of our UX & Application Innovation team has been in the very core of our business. The team creates added value for our customers by building new solutions and applications on top of their SAP system.  The team is there for the customer all the way from the first design to go-live.

“SAP is a very versatile and extensive system, but it can also be heavy and difficult to use. Our expertise comes from understanding the customer’s business, which enables them to focus on the most essential features and services for their operations and to lean their processes by automating routine tasks’’, says team lead Mikko Hulkkonen.

The significance of the UX & Application Innovation team has grown alongside the company’s growth. In 2021, the responsibilities in the team were divided into two areas: SAP Backend & Technical and UI & Frontend. Hulkkonen has led the team since the beginning of 2022.

Everyone at Neomore knows the UX & Application Innovation team as a development team. The team usually builds a separate user interface application on top of SAP that enables access to essential features in a sufficient, simple, and reliable way.

”Our team has the skills for comprehensive coding and design of the application as well as construction of the user interface. This skillset enables us to build almost anything for the customer.”

As an example of team expertise, Hulkkonen mentions tailored mobile solutions that have recently become more and more requested in customer projects.

Supporting the customer from the start through the finish line

The development team is strongly involved with the customer throughout the project. Right from the beginning, a senior consultant is involved in the project’s definition. Once the specification is for implementation, a team of developers, will start led by a senior consultant. When needed, the team will also assist the customer in testing and deployment. ”Many of our team members work in close cooperation with the customer and in the specification. This way, we ensure that we are on the right track, when we start to implement the customer’s wishes”, Hulkkonen describes.

Such a close cooperation and interaction between the developer and the customer is not the most common way of working in the industry. Hulkkonen believes that this is also a big part of the extra added value Neomore brings to the customers.

When the application is designed specifically for the customer’s needs, all the unnecessary features can be left aside and the usability and benefits can be maximized.

Hard-core competence in a laid-back environment

“Our team has about thirty employees who work in all Neomore’s offices: Espoo, Tampere, and Stockholm. Most of us are technical consultants and application developers, but we also have specialized expertise in certain fields, such as technical architects and user interface designers,” Hulkkonen says.

A variety of different skillsets is one of the team’s greatest strengths, because it means that most team members can work with many aspects of a project, such as specification, implementation or even leading the project, says Hulkkonen.

It doesn’t have to be too serious. With a good atmosphere and action, we have the chance to do things with high quality and also together, Hulkkonen summarizes the team’s philosophy.