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Robust UI and UX competence benefits SAP development

Author: Lila Leander

Robust UI and UX competence benefits SAP development


Robust UI and UX competence benefits SAP development

In today’s software development, user experience (UX) has symbolized the characteristics that make the application meaningful to the end-user and beneficial to the company. In many ways, it is the new “Black”. This doesn’t mean that UX hasn’t been a factor before, but perhaps only recently businesses have realized its effects.

A satisfied user benefits the business. According to Tuomas Haimi (COO of Neomore), companies that invest in UX can witness increased productivity, more intuitive workflows and workforce mobility while increasing user satisfaction.

“A good UX is also credited for lowering customer acquisition costs and increasing customer retention. According to a Forbes article, every euro invested in UX brings 100 in 1 return.”

Good design is more than just aesthetics

When companies develop their applications to be more user-centric, they are not aiming at applications that are just attractive and visually appealing. Instead, a good user interface (UI) is about the look and feel of the interface and the impression it creates, While UX entails the whole are of user experience, including functionality thus increasing productivity.

According to Neomore’s Senior Consultant Kimmo Dragon, a good UX increases productivity by simplifying tasks so that users can find what they need more efficiently and with fewer clicks.

Driving business with user experience and usability

These days user experience (UX) is a trendy topic in the industry, says Haimi.

“It’s crucial to know your customers and end-users. This is the key to improving the user experience. I mean, after all, they’re the ones you’re trying to help. Therefore, you need to know what’ll be beneficial for them. In addition, to increase the commitment of the end-users, they need to be involved early in the process.

Improved mobility and workforce flexibility with Fiori

The switch to Fiori offers several advantages to mobile employees. Fiori’s effortless interface allows users to use touch screens, and the UI is consistent regardless of the device.

When considering the growth of the mobile workforce, one could think that learning curve and starting to use mobile apps would be big effort. However, thanks to Fiori’s simple interface, it is also easy to learn. For this reason, it can be adopted more quickly. Moreover, this helps people transition from one job role to another since Fiori apps are easier to understand since the interface is standardized”, says Haimi.

Fiori also helps to create user-friendly applications that work well on every device. As a result, SAP users are no longer “chained” to their desktops.

For the first time in SAP applications, Fiori makes apps accessible on all mobile devices and allows users to continue their desktop processes. This creates a significant boost in efficiency. Neomore has a lot of experience in this from various client projects, industries and process areas.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]